About us

Hi, I am glad you are here!  I am Carlin (Carleen) Boswell, a mom, wife, Development Coach and a very creative person.

I have a passion for working with women who are in search of themselves to become their best version in their job/career! I love to hear the stories of the struggles of my coachees. My job is then to help them see the benefits of the adversity and extract strategies on how to get get on top! With coaching I give them the tools needed to become E.L.E.G.A.N.T.-woman!  


Even though we're all unique, we all deal with the same issues and struggles everyday. When not dealt with properly, these issues and struggles can leave us desperate for attention and validation of others. Which may lead into feelings of rejection, isolation and loneliness. With no identity and a 'place' to belong... Does that sound familiar? When you look in the mirror of your life, you see only your disappointments and failures. As a result you live a defeated life without any hope. Your life doesn't have any purpose and meaning anymore. At least, this is the life that I was living.


After my parents got divorced, I decided that I wasn't going to care about anything and just 'live' a wild life. After all, 'YOLO'...!!! But at 14 years God got with me. He showed me that He has called me to be an E.L.E.G.A.N.T.-woman. What...?! That's what I said too... Yes, that's right! He provoked me to live a better life at a young age. Synonyms for the word 'elegant' -(other than fashion statements) - are: 


Graceful, refined, discerning, sophisticated, dignified, cultivated, distinguished, smart, cultured, grand and high-class.


Wow!!! This is the kind of woman God desires for you and me to be. And this is the life that He wants you to live! So who is an E.L.E.G.A.N.T-woman? This is what God wants you to know:


1) You ARE chosen, i.o.w. you are His Elect Lady.

2) You ARE Loved by the Father.

3) You ARE Equipped because of your struggles to live a better life.

3) The same love and Grace he has given you, You CAN show others.

4) You ARE Anointed by God to do what He needs you to do! Everything you have been trough has qualified you to be used by Him! 

5) Noble 

6) You ARE Talented. All the things that God has put in you, use them for His Glory! 


I am here for you with daily devotionals and inspiration to help you on your journey of becoming an E.L.E.G.A.N.T.-woman


Look in the mirror today and say:

"I am E.L.E.G.A.N.T." 


Always love,


Carlin Boswell  
